The Tyrant In Training Podcast is a weekly comedy podcast which asks guests what they would do as a tyrant of their own country. Guests answer questions such as what official title they are to to known as,.what is banned on the island and what scandal do they get involved in.

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 17 -Judge Cindy Begel : The Naboo People Versus Cedric Gegel
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Seventeenth episode of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest is actor, screenwriter, director, youtuber Cedric Gegel on trial for his tyrannical ways in episode 5. Today's second guest is the unimpeachable, . stupendous and fair judge, TV writer and producer Cindy Begel
The former M.C.P, the Most Celebrated Pomp of the Mediterranean island of Naboo, Cedric Gegel has been caught, put in a clown suit and brought into Cindy Begel's court. His crime? Abusing his power, spying on citizens who enjoy Shakespeare and maliciously destroying the mind of a beloved public servant. #Justice4Brian
Today's podcast is the trial. Cedric spinelessly defending himself and me, Kevin, heroically leading the prosecution team. Cedric will claim Brian is an "inept moron" who tried to start a war with Switzerland. Cedric will claim he knows nothing of a secret spying network the prosecution team randomly suggests might be real. Cedric will definitely be a much more polished speaker than Kevin BUT Judge Cindy immediately declares she doesn't trust actors. So the prosecution team might have a chance at winning this case!
Enjoy! #CedricGeJail

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 16- Andy Compton as President Andy of Bermuda Squared
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
The sixteenth episode in the history of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest is screenwriter/director/host of The Social Screenwriters Podcast Andy Compton.
Also known as President Andy of Bermuda Squared. A man who flew past Miami and landed in a mysterious island in the center of the Bermuda Triangle. Quickly finding out he had manifestation powers, President Andy manifested a country for himself to freely take credit for everyone's ideas, ban anyone who can do maths, live in a haunted house, pollute the world's oceans and assassinate his enemies while hosting a family friendly BBQ at the beach.
Some quotes:
If you live your life 100 percent self centered and in such a selfish way that it only benefits you at all times, you will be the happiest person in the room
The kids get a good laugh out of that specific suffering
I would play Wonka
A lovely guy!!

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 15 - Detective Celine Laing
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Episode 15 is a little different since I've an injury that means it's hard to sit down and edit.
So this is a recording of my fiancee Celine Laing as Detective Celine Laing, hostage negotiator (wait does that mean she negotiates with hostages? She actually negotiates with the hostage takers!)
Det. Celine Laing is called in to rescue 100 hostages from an abandoned spam factory, her being specifically requested for by the hostage takers who are from her past.
Honestly this episode could be a mess. Let's hope not.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 14- Jeremiah Lewis, Grand Potentate of Dorland
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
The fourteenth episode in the history of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest is writer Jeremiah Lewis
Also known as the Grand Potentate of Dorland. Dissenters call him Potent Taint but they quickly get sent to the underground gulag. He had a cameo in the new Cheaper By The Dozen and forbids most citizens from reading.
Some quotes:
"I am pretty laid back actually"
"It's a fear based on staying within my good graces"
"Our population are not permitted to read, not taught to read and we have strict controls on the written word"
A lovely guy!!

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 13- Lee Shorten, the Lee of Alpha
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
The third episode of Season Two and the thirteenth episode in the history of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest is actor Lee Shorten
Also known as...well, his name of the country of Alpha. . You can also see him as Biff in the Star Wars spin-off of the original trilogy which features the musical group Biff & The Council jamming their way through cantina's in Mos Eisley.
As for Alpha, it has great education and childcare services, particularly the social program overseen by Lee that guarantees triplets for every parent wishing to conceive them.
Some quotes:
"No democracy"
"I'm not a maniacal despot, I promise"
Fun guest!!
#improvcomedy #comedy #actors

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 12- Shanta Parasuraman, the Shanta Claus of Shantasia
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
The second episode of Season Two and the twelfth episode in the history of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest is actor/writer Shanta Parasuraman.
Also known as the Shanta Claus of Shantasia. A star in Fast & The Furious 10 while also leading her no crocs allowed country (crocodiles may only come to the island during mating season).
"It's my reign, deer" means her word is final.
"Well....." means you're probably being put into a very lengthy time out.
"You need to come with your best ideas at the forefront, otherwise you're wasting my time" means I felt a little down in myself for a few minutes :(
Fun guest!!

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 11- Denise Cruz-Castino, the Dame of Floren
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Follow the podcast at it's own website: https://tyrant-in-training.podcastpage.io/
The first episode of Season Two and the eleventh episode in the history of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest is writer/novelist Denise Cruz-Castino.
Also known as Dame Denise of Floren. Home to the best cocktails in the world and so exclusive, it sorta works like the Clubhouse app. 10 million people may have passports but only 1 million can live on Floren at a time. Oh and also make sure to bring a knife with you. For some reason that's very important.
If your knife is stolen then Dame Denise will buy you a new knife. If you need a new job Dame Denise will give you a loan worth half a million too.
"None of this is real, what do I care?"
Wise words from a wise Dame.

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 10 - Nikoline Bangen in the Zombie Apocalypse
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Tenth and final episode of Season One of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest is actress Nikoline Bangen.
An unfortunate editing mishap by the host has caused a zombie plague to be unleashed on Norway. Thankfully Nikoline, with a vast knowledge of government buildings and their decor, is on hand to lead a group of 100 survivors who just so happened to be on tour near her house. With 40 survivors over the age of 80 (including 91 year old pregnant former sailor Sarah) Nikoline quickly figures out the best shelter for them. A few days in this government building and then they can journey to the nearby docks where they can find a boat to sail out in search of a safe island.
However, as zombies surround the building, tempers flair amongst survivors due to a heated arm wrestling contest for the use of their only mattress. Added to this dilemma is the arrival of tyrannical soldier Laurence and his men. Nikoline must keep the peace between two groups of survivors and convince them they need to get ready for the journey to the docks.
Can Nikoline keep her survivors, which include ex MMA trainee and mattress enthusiast Mark, quiet guy Nor Wayne and my mother Hannah, alive? Will Nikoline help Laurence find the 12th in line to the Norwegian throne? Listen to find out.

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 9 - Those Four Misfits: the Alpha’s of Misfitopia
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Ninth episode of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest are improv comedy group - Those Four Misfits: Doug Kayne, Jane Hopkins and Ryan Provencher.
Also known as The Alpha's of Misfitopia. Just so you know which Tyrant is which, Alpha Alpha is Doug, Alpha Beta is Jane and Alpha Gamma is Ryan. However if you ask Alpha Beta then Ryan is Alpha Alpha but if you ask Ryan or Doug then Doug is Alpha Alpha. Don't worry, it somehow works!
Having gained control of the island from former leader, Reginald Humbug, the trio of tyrants have been busy with foreign policies such as attacking dangerous insects in Australia, bombing Hamburg and starring in Sesame Street. Of course on the domestic front, many scandals have engulfed the tyrannical administration. Scandals most likely to start when Alpha Alpha utters the phrase "If I may". He has been demoted many times so it really depends on the day whether Alpha Alpha is Alpha Delta, Alpha Epsilon or Alpha Omega.
Misfitopia, a beautiful nation, not only initiates a world first "Free Coke" scheme for the world but is also the only country to become mobile, running proudly from the forceful U.N who are chasing them after the trio blindsided a world leader with an impromptu steel cage match.

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Tyrants In Training Episode 8 - Terri Viani: Captain of Winter
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Follow the podcast at it's own website: https://tyrant-in-training.podcastpage.io/
Eight episode of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan. Today's guest is Screenwriter Terri Viani.
Also known as The Captain of Winter. An island north of Alaska with spectacular scenery and boasting, for some strange reason, the highest emigration in the world! People really do love to join the country of Winter and then quickly realize that it is far too cold.
For anyone who wants to live here, expect to take an advanced common sense test to see if you got what it takes to live in this frozen paradise. If you don't know how to cut down trees for fire, or fish for food then really this place may not be for you. But if you do, great! Winter provides financial support to anyone joining the country.
It also boasts a wonderful chocolate industry thanks to the Captain taking bribes from the chocolate tycoons to keep their taxes low. That might be a scandal but nobody cares, that chocolate is really good. Unfortunately, the Captain still has to answer for "Thick-Eejit-Gate" which is a serious issue!
Captain Terri handles criticism of her country by lashing out at the "government of Scandinavia" calling them shifty and promising to produce concrete evidence of what they are up to.